Cancellation Policy

After choosing products from the website when you make a payment on our website, then that is deemed to be a confirmed order. And cancellations can be done via phone or email, before the ordered goods are shipped i.e. within 24 hours. We only accept to cancel the order, when we receive such communication and acknowledge the same before shipping your respective order.

When an order cancellation is accepted by us, we will accordingly refund the payment i.e. the paid amount to your respective account. And all refunds are subject to normal banking procedures.

  • Orders placed for custom color, basing on demand from a particular customers can’t be cancelled unless any justified major defects found from our end.
  • Products once dispatched from our side will not be cancelled. Further, if any cancellations made then you need to opt for any other product from the website in place of that particular cancelled product.
  • Cancelled products reverting to us will be deducted with the to and fro shipping charges accordingly.
  • We will verify the garment you return, figure out what went wrong, and take immediate steps to avoid such problems from recurring in the future.
  • Custom color chosen products cannot be cancelled as it's being designed as per the individual request.