Two Moustaches Gemstone Work Brass Horse Cart Replica Decor Showpiece, Standard, Multicolored, Pack of 1

Two Moustaches Gemstone Work Brass Horse Cart Replica Decor Showpiece, Standard, Multicolored, Pack of 1

4.3 3
Retail Price: Rs. 3,510
Manufacturing Price: Rs. 2,106


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Product Details

A modern day brass miniature! This horse carriage is an exact replica and is a reflection of the traditional Indian way of life. The details are breathtaking and it makes a perfect gift for any occasion. This completely brass-made horse cart has an enticing antique look. Every edge of this magnificent brass showpiece has beautiful etching patterns.
Product Specifications
Fabric Cotton
Style Artistic Pallu
Length 6.30 meters
Blouse With Blouse
Wash Care Dry Wash
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  • 4.3
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  • 1
  • 100.0% customers satisfied with this item.
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Customer Reviews (3)
Four Stars
nalini chakrapani
11/14/2015 12:44 PM
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Superb Saree
Good Looking design and color, Good experience to purchased it. It Improved my Beautiness in party......... Thanks for nice color........
Rashmi Gaur
11/14/2015 3:56 PM
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Superb Saree
I am loving the colour , pallu design of this saree . Thanks SilkShari for this superb saree.
Anjali Sisodia
11/16/2015 12:04 PM
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