Crystal & Stone Shivalinga

Crystal & Stone Shivalinga

5.0 4
Retail Price: Rs. 3,910
Manufacturing Price: Rs. 2,346
( Usually Delivered in 5-7 business days. )

Product Details

As the city is famous for the various temples of Lord Shiva so you will find many related items in the market that will surely catch your attention. One of such things is the crystal and Stone shiva linga. Shivalinga is an idol of Lord Shiva that can be made from different materials. The crystal and Stone Shivalinga looks very pretty and the Hindu devotees buy this from the city of Varanasi as a part of their ritual, as they believe that the idol bought from this place is very pure and pious.
Product Specifications
Fabric Cotton
Style Artistic Pallu
Length 6.30 meters
Blouse With Blouse
Wash Care Dry Wash
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  • 5.0
    4 reviews
  • 4
  • 100.0% customers satisfied with this item.
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Customer Reviews (4)
My Review
Product received has really mate my expectation...
Shreya Roy
12/29/2015 4:06 PM
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Wonderful fabric without any quality issues
Shivani Rana
12/30/2015 10:03 AM
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Really Awesome...
This site is very good for new design's of silk saree as well as for servicing. I felt happy to buy from this site.....
diya singh
1/5/2016 3:56 PM
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Really Awesome...
This site is very good for new design's of silk saree as well as for servicing. I felt happy to buy from this site.....
diya singh
1/5/2016 3:57 PM
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