Crystal Tree

Crystal Tree

3.5 2
Retail Price: Rs. 11,920
Manufacturing Price: Rs. 7,152
( Usually Delivered in 5-7 business days. )

Product Details

Crystal Tree - Black Tourmaline Tree - Car Dashboard Accessories - Dashboard Figurines & Idols - Crystal showpieces for Home Decor- Crystal Home Decor Items- Crystal Tree for Good Luck
Product Specifications
Fabric Silk
Style Exclusively Designed
Length 6.30 meters
Blouse With Blouse
Wash Care Dry Wash
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Product Reviews Statistics

  • 3.5
    2 reviews
  • 0
  • 100.0% customers satisfied with this item.
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Product Customer Satisfaction rating indicates how many SilkShari customers are satisfied with a product. The rating is calculated by dividing the number of positive ratings of a product by the sum of the positive and negative ratings given to the products.
  • Product Customer Satisfaction =
  • Positive Ratings
    Postive + Negative Ratings
Positive Ratings: 4 or 5 stars
Negative Ratings: 1 or 2 stars
Customer Reviews (2)
Good Service
So i am very happy about ur service and product quality
Shreya Roy
12/29/2015 5:29 PM
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Nice saree
The material and purchasing experiences is good. I purchased the same for my beloved one she really felt nice
Riya Cauhan
12/30/2015 11:03 AM
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