Shazar Stone Craft

Shazar Stone Craft

4.5 2
Retail Price: Rs. 10,720
Manufacturing Price: Rs. 6,432
( Usually Delivered in 5-7 business days. )

Product Details

Shazar Stone is obtained from Ken river which flows in the west of Banda district Bundelkhand region. From obtaining the Shazar stone to trimming and shaping it, the craft involves a lot of hard-work and expenditure. This stone is used for making jewellery and other decorative items.
Product Specifications
Fabric Mysore Silk
Style Mysore Silk Saree
Length 6.30 meters
Blouse With Blouse
Wash Care Dry Wash
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  • 4.5
    2 reviews
  • 1
  • 100.0% customers satisfied with this item.
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    Postive + Negative Ratings
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Customer Reviews (2)
Splashy Color
I m completely happy with the quality and design
Geeta Tripathy
1/8/2016 3:33 PM
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Very Good
The design is very good and Impressed by their customer service..Thank you..
Ayushi dixit
1/8/2016 5:13 PM
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